Friday, October 15, 2010

Home Sweet Home

A dear friend introduced me to Iris folding a few months ago. I got hooked on to the simple and fun technique quite easily. My first project is a little personal, a birthday gift to my husband so I won't be talking about that. My second project is called Home sweet home. I visualised a little cottage surrounded with greenery and sunshine and lots of beautiful butterflies fluttering around. I was to gift this to some friends on a special occasion but by the end of the activity I just couldn't let go!

To learn the technique you could refer to sites teaching 'Iris folding' like this one...

First get a sheet of card paper with butterfly prints on it.
On the other side which is blank draw an outline of the cottage, two trees one on each side of the house and a circle for the sun.
Using a cutter cut along the outlines.
On a piece of card paper from an old packing or any other firm cardboard draw the Iris template.
Then keep the template on a table or board and stick it with cello-tape so it doesn't shift. Keep the butterfly sheet over the template with the blank side facing up.
Stick different pieces of coloured paper in a sequence using cello tape. For instance if you choose 4 colours of crepe paper for the house stick Colour W over 1, Colour X over 2, Colour Y over 3, Colour Z over 4 and so on and make sure to follow the order.
Follow the same technique for the other forms like trees and sun. Use gold paper for the sun, shades of green for the trees and gold or brown for the trunk.
When completed turn the sheet and your project is ready.