Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Paneer Puffs

These are the most delicious puffs I have eaten till date! I like to call the masala 'When China meets Goa'. Yes yes I will tell you why... In my Prawn n Corn recipe I had used Rechad masala which is a typical goan masala. This time I combined it with a Chinese sauce called Hoisin ( and trust me they make a great couple! ;) While Rechad is a red, spicy sauce, Hoisin is a brown sweet and salty sauce, so they kind of compliment each other. And to top it like most of my recipies this one is also very easy.

You need, (for 4 puffs)

Puff pastry sheets (you will find these in the refrigirated section of your supermarket)
1 medium finely chopped onion
Half a bell pepper, sliced or chopped
180 grams of grated paneer
1 tablespoon of Hoisin sauce
1 tablespoon of Rechad masala

Get started....

In a mixing bowl combine all ingredients and mix well. When adding the sauces, add less than a tablespoon. Mix well, check the taste and add more only if needed. Turn the oven on to preheat at 220 degrees C. Now cut the pastry sheets into about 31/2 inch squares and slightly fold it at the diagnal such that the square gets divided into 2 triangles. Add a spoonful of the paneer mixture onto one triangle, fold over and seal the ends using a fork. Once all the puffs are done the oven will be ready for baking. Place the puffs on a tray with baking paper and palce it over the middle rack and let it bake for about 15 to 20 minutes at 200 degrees C. Take them out of the oven, let them cool to room temperature and they are ready to be served.


  1. drrroooollll.... :) :) meet up this weekend? save me some of those PPs... ameyjing they look... :D

  2. thanks i will try this combination with pasta!
