Friday, September 10, 2010

Nutty मोर

Next time you eat Pistachios don't throw away the shells. There are different beautiful things you can do with them. Here is one idea. (मोर = Peacock in Hindi pronounced as 'more')

You will need:
Lots of Pista shells
Acrylic paints or water colours
Tooth picks
Thick white glue

Draw an outline of a peacock on white card paper and cut it out.
To get an idea of how many shells to colour place the shells on the outline as in the picture below. Place three over the head for the crest, one for the eye, few for the main body and one for each feather.
Depending on the part of the body colour the shells. Bright pink for the crest, a black dot for the eye, blue or purple for the body and light green with a dark green dot for the feathers.
Once they dry up stick them in place using glue.
For the beak, feathers and feet use tooth picks. You will need to cut these to required size.
Stick the peacock on a black sheet of paper. Cut clouds and grass and stick them around the peacock.

Now time to go dance in the rain!!


  1. Don't know if you were in my class but I did a sheep pen with pista shells! this idea is lovely!

  2. Nope Dit I was never in your class! :(

  3. try designing ur frame with pistas..nd probably colour em with silver paint...!!!!

  4. Nice idea Nayena. I did this ages ago. Not sure if you can notice in the pic, but this frame has it's own design and is not smooth.
