Friday, February 4, 2011

Play on...

In my personal and professional quest to understand our global society a little more I have been researching about play and games. I don't mean just games that children play but also the ones that youth and adults engage in or engaged in traditionally. In India we play games during weddings, during community gatherings, during free time with our families or friends, etc. Story telling is also a wonderful form of play. And different societies and cultures tell stories differntly. My mum used to tell me how as children they would look forward to the enactment of the Dassera story during the festive season.

In a day and age where play is losing its priority, this blog hopes to create nostalgia and a drive to evoke the child in us.

I want to invite anyone reading this post - age, sex, nationality no bar - to share about play time in your family, community, or any other place. Games you played which are not played anymore. Pen your own experiences. Ask your parents and grandparents if you are fortunate to have them with your still. Ask your children what they play.

Play on....


  1. At the top of my head the first ones that come to mind are the card games "Donkey" and "Joker" and then ofcourse the ever famous Dumb Charades at every family get together.

    How true that games have taken a back seat to the idiot box in almost every family today. I would say, if you still have even one close friend, loved one, family member that you can enjoy a game with every once in a while, consider yourself fortunate, for you are a rare species today.

  2. Oh yes I remember Donkey! :) I wud always lose :P We play dumb charades with friends here wen we meet on an avg once a month.
    I think if we replaced clubbing, movies, etc with house parties n games we wud have so much quality time together.
    Flav n I have no TV @ home. We watch stuff over the internet, play board games, shop for groceries 2gether, etc. Its so much fun cheating, winning, losing! :)
