Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Some tips and references for cooking Indian...

I like 'fooding around'... And am sure many of us do.. Some like cooking and eating.. some enjoy just the latter! Do the second group of people stay away from cooking because you think that its too much work or that you might not do so well??? I started full fledged cooking only after I got married. And I can say now that successful cooking only comes about with experiments and love for food! Moreover the joy I experience when the aroma of good food fills the air, when loved ones appreciate and encourage, when I can give a regular recipe my own unique variation and when you know that you can eat fresh, healthy and alter the proportion of fats and spices to suit your needs.... all of this makes 'fooding around' more than just a routine!

This post is specially to say a big thank you....
to my darling husband who happily plays guinea pig all the time!
to friends and followers who have been encouraging me to blog through emails, facebook and otherwise!
to my favourite chef Sanjay Thumma who truly 'inspires to cook'! (Those of you who have been impressed with the kabab pics on my facebook account check Sanjay's videos on youtube.)

Some more blogs and sites for Indian cooking are...

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