Monday, March 21, 2011

Homemade Paneer - Indian Cheese

1.9 litres whole milk
1/4 cup lemon juice
Thin cotton cloth/handkerchief
Salt to taste
1 tsp Dried mint - powdered
1 tsp Paprika powder

Bring the milk to a boil. Add the lemon juice slowly while stirring the milk in a circular motion. The milk will start curdling at this point. Turn the stove off. Take a sieve and cover it with a cotton handkerchief. Place this over a deep vessel. Pour the curdled milk over the sieve to collect the paneer. Tightly knot the ends of the cloth so that all the water oozes out. You could also place a heavy vessel on the paneer (which is on the sieve).

Do not discard the whey (the water that remains). It can be used as stock for cooking rice, gravies, soups, etc.

Once most of the whey oozes out add the spices, knead the paneer well. You could use this grated paneer as a stuffing. If you want cubes of paneer then put it back into the cloth, place some weight over it till all the whey is gone and you get a soft but firm block of paneer. Cut into cubes and use.

I haven't tried refrigerating it so far. Once I do that I will post some tips. Till then enjoy this freshly made paneer!! :)

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