Monday, April 4, 2011

Mango and Avocado Rice

A ripe Avocado in the fridge looked at me with a big happy smile and said 'You got to use me today!" And so I decided to pair it with some fresh spring onions and mango pulp. The result? Aromatic pulao enjoyed by our friends who spent the day with us watching the cricket World Cup 2011 finals. And since India turned out champions that night this recipe will always remain extra special. This recipe serves 8 hungry stomachs.

1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tspoon ajwain seeds (also called bishops weed)
7 spring onions chopped
2 tspoons ginger garlic paste
2 tspoons paprika powder
2 tspoons black pepper powder
1 tspoon dried parsley
1 tspoon dried oregano
1 tspoon balsamico
3 tablespoons mango puree
1 well riped avocado mashed
salt to taste
6 cups of basmati rice

Wash and cook rice. Keep aside to cool. To speed up the cooling process spread the rice on a large plate. (The rice needs to be cooled to prevent the grains from breaking when mixing.)

In a pan heat oil and add ajwain. Once they turn brown and you get a good aroma add the chopped spring onions. Saute well. Once soft add the ginger garlic paste, paprika and pepper and mix well. Now add the mango, avocado and the remaining herbs, i.e. parsley, oregano, balsamico and salt. Mix well and cook covered over medium heat for about 4 minutes with 1/4 cup water.

Add the cooked mixture to the cooled rice and mix well till every grain is coated. Serve warm.


  1. Thanks for posting Haze :)
    Guys, I can vouch for its taste (one of the hungry stomachs that historical day ;) ) - with a very delicate flavour of all ingredients, a very stylish dish (and nutritious too!)!
    Haze, do post in that awesome bottle gourd curry you prepared-just can't get it out of my mind :)

  2. That's really sweet girl! :) Thank you. Will post that bottle gourd curry recipe soon! :)
