Friday, March 19, 2010

Volcano of Talent

Every time I looked at a canvas painting at an exhibition or adorning people's homes, a tiny voice in my head said “Go on pick up your brush and give it a shot.” Kabhie kabhie the pretext of not having time or not having the right tools I pushed the thought away... In the last few months the excuse of time has been unreal and I have had more than enough time to make sure I have all the tools. So I said why not!!

It's amazing what a few paints and a willing surface can make you do!! I started off with expressing on drawing paper. Gradually graduated to painting sections of our living room (I love you Flav for always letting me experiment in our home).. loved the result! And now canvas.. I finally did it! To me its a master piece! A master piece 'coz it expresses my mind, my heart, my emotions, my dreams... A “Volcano of Talent”.. We all have one in us... often lying dormant.. often waiting for us to give it a chance to glow and attract our attention. And like a volcano it destroys our silly misconceptions of “I cannot! Its just not possible! I am not creative or artistic.” Before leaving for Germany many well-wishers said I was taking a big risk and putting a big break to my career... I didn't think so then and I definitely don't now. There's so much more to life than the mundane, the get into the rat race things... and I am so blessed to be gifted this special time and space to activate the volcano! 

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